Hello world!

Hail, brewers!  Flagon Slayer Brewery is group of techie homebrewers who congregate around Louisville, KY.  We believe that there’s something special about creating a living, bubbling entity, who just happens to produce our friend, Ethanol.  We’ll be sharing recipes and brewing methods along the way, and keep you updated as the batches mature.  Hopefully a few of them will turn out…


1 Comment

  1. Jonathan said,

    July 30, 2007 at 1:32 am

    Love the name “Flagon Slayer.” I actually wanted to name our homebrewed ESB “Flagon Slayer” a while back, but got denied… Apparently I was the only one who knew what a flagon was. Looking forward to reading more… particularly about the “techie” side of your homebrewing. Linked you from our site. Good luck!

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